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Old Zionsville UCC to celebrate Harvest Home Sept. 27

CONTRIBUTED PHOTOS This is the Harvest Home display from 2019 at Old Zionsville UCC, 5981 Fountain Road, Old Zionsville. The display was created by Carolyn Rhoads and Nancy Civitts. In years gone by, every Lutheran and Reformed church in Pennsylvania as well as most Mennonite meeting houses celebrated the gathering in of the harvest with a special “Harvest Home” service. To this day most of these congregations hold a Sunday service commemorating the harvest. This year for Harvest Home Sept. 27, the congregation is collecting canned goods for the Zionsville Area Food Pantry. The pantry especially needs canned ravioli/pasta meals, canned vegetables and boxed macaroni and cheese.
Diane Kehoe works behind the scenes at the Zionsville Area Food Pantry Sept. 16 filling bags of food to give to clients. The food pantry is a cooperative social ministry of the Lutheran, Methodist, UCC, Mennonite and EC congregations in the Zionsville and Upper Milford communities. The Zionsville Area Food Pantry is open for public distribution at 5901 Kings Highway South, Old Zionsville. The pantry service days begin on the second Monday of each month and the Wednesday and Saturday of that same week. Hours are 4-6 p.m. Monday, 4-6 p.m. Wednesday and 10 a.m. to noon Saturday. The food pantry relies on contributions and volunteers.