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Coplay police

Coplay police responded to these and other calls recently.


A hit and run brought police to the 100 block of South Front Street.

Officers conducted a welfare check in the 900 block of Catherine Drive.


Police investigated a report of fraud in the unit block of South Fourth Street.


Suspicious activity brought police to the 200 block of Coplay Street.

Officers were on the scene of a disturbance in the 1000 block of Barbara Drive.

Police arrested a wanted person in the 5900 block of North Coplay Road and transported the individual to Lehigh County Jail.

Officers assisted a citizen in the unit block of South Fourth Street.


A report of suspicious activity in the 200 block of Coplay Street brought out police.

The department conducted a welfare check in the 100 block of South Fourth Street.

Police responded to a reported suspicious vehicle in the unit block of South Eighth Street.


An alarm brought police to the 1000 block of Chestnut Street.

The department assisted U.S. marshals in apprehending a wanted person on North Front Street.


Officers responded to a motor vehicle accident in the 100 block of Chestnut Street.

A noise complaint in the 200 block of South Second Street had police on the scene.

Suspicious activity in the unit block of South Fourth Street was reported.

Police investigated a parking complaint in the 200 block of Chestnut Street.


A hit and run brought police to the 300 block of North Ruch Street.

Officers investigated parking complaints at Catherine Drive and Oak Street and at North Second and Coplay streets.

Police responded to a report of found property in the unit block of South Fifth Street.


Suspicious activity brought police to the unit block of South Second Street.

Officers responded to a motorbike complaint on the Ironton Rail Trail.

Police assisted a citizen in the unit block of North Sixth Street.

A report of a suspicious person at Saylor Park was investigated.

The department assisted Catasauqua and North Catasauqua police in the 500 block of American Street, Catasauqua.


Officers investigated a report of fraud in the 200 block of Chestnut Street.

Suspicious activity in the unit block of North Third Street was reported.

Police responded to a report of a road hazard at Bridge and North Front streets.

The department assisted with a civil matter in the unit block of South Second Street.


Officers investigated a reported suspicious vehicle at Saylor Park.

Suspicious activity at Coplay and North Front streets was reported.

Police assisted a citizen in the 200 block of Coplay Street.


A noise complaint in the 5900 block of North Coplay Road brought police to the scene.

Officers investigated a parking complaint at South Second and Lehigh streets.

A parking violation was issued in the unit block of South Front Street.


A report of criminal mischief brought police to the 1100 block of Chestnut Street.


Police responded to a report of trespassing in the unit block of South Fourth Street.

A security check was conducted in the unit block of Magna Drive.

Officers investigated a parking complaint in the 100 block of South Fourth Street.

The department assisted North Catasauqua police in the 1100 block of Front Street.


Police investigated a juvenile complaint in the unit block of North Seventh Street.

Suspicious activity in the 100 block of South Second Street was reported.

Officers responded to a domestic incident in the unit block of South Fourth Street.

A burglar alarm brought police to the 1000 block of Chestnut Street.

The department assisted Allentown police at Saylor Park.