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Hofstra University

Marlana Ryan, of Bethlehem, graduated from Hofstra University in December 2023, and earned a degree in music business.

James Madison University

Bethlehem area residents Lily Judge, Cum Laude with a degrees in Biology - BS, and Emma Lisson, a music major, graduated from James Madison University during commencement exercises in December 2023.

The University of Alabama

Max Freudenberger, of Bethlehem, earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication and Information Sciences degree from the University of Alabama.

The University of Tampa

JayVian Boston, of Bethlehem, graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Finance degree from the University of Tampa.

The Bethlehem Press graduate, dean’s list and honors listings are, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the time of printing. We are not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of information submitted by external parties.

Submit graduation items to gtaylor@tnonline.com, fax 610-740-0947 or mail to College graduates, c/o Bethlehem Press, 1633 N. 26 St., Allentown, PA 18104.