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Freedom presents 42nd Street

The Freedom HS Theatre Company presents the musical “42nd Street” April 12 and 13 at 7 p.m. and April 13 and 14 at 1 p.m. in the school auditorium. Based on the book by Michael Stewart and Mark Bramble, and the novel by Bradford Ropes, with music by Harry Warren and Lyrics by Al Dubin, “42nd Street” traces the production of a new Broadway show “Pretty Lady” and an aspiring dancer/actress’s rise in the cast, as well as relationships among cast and production members.

“42nd Street” is produced by Justin Amann, who is assisted by Natalie Parker.

The production staff is filled out by choreographer Vanessa Ruggiero, pit director Michael Moran, assistant choreographer Lindsey Sommons, costume designer and prop mistress Priscilla Salazar, music director Denise Parker, and set designer Trevor Flocco. Julia Ruhf is the student assistant director and the stage manager is Leah Hank, who is assisted by Ariel Spiezo.

Press photos by Dana Grubb Dance director Andie Lee (Allie Harper) auditions young candidates for the chorus in “Pretty Lady
Billy Lawlor (Ovidius Cusu) tries to charm newly arrived hopeful Peggy Sawyer (Julia Ruhf) on the song “Young and Healthy.”
Director Julian Marsh (Connor McClure) informs cast hopefuls about the upcoming production of “Pretty Lady.”
Former star Dorothy Brock (Tori Prostko) flashes her contract in front of director Julian Marsh (Connor McClure) as co-writers/producers Bert Barry (Cole Faccinetto) and Maggie Jones (Marion Keller) and Brock's beau Abner Dillon (John Jabbour) listen in.
Choreographer Andie Lee (Allie Harper) and director Julian Marsh (Connor McClure) watch an impromptu audition by Peggy Sawyer (Julia Ruhf).