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Coplay to seek grant for street cleaning equipment

At its Oct. 10 regular meeting, Coplay Borough Council voted to approve resolution 1501, which designates borough authorities to execute all documents and agreements in connection with requesting a Local Share Account state grant for the purchase of a street sweeper and vacuum. If awarded, the grant would allow the borough to purchase the street sweeper with no additional costs to the borough.

A motion was made to appoint Joe Britt as fire chief, effective Oct. 11. Britt previously served as fire chief earlier this year until resigning in April.

Coplay Sports was granted approval to use the gym at borough hall 5-7 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays; 5-9 p.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; and 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays.

Council voted in favor of approving the coal bid for 2023 through 2024 from Hobel’s Coal. The borough will purchase 100 tons of rice oil-treated coal in the amount of $320 per ton. This is the same price point as last year.

Council approved the planning commission’s recommendation to allow waivers for a lot line adjustment and deferred easement for sidewalks at 280 N. Second St. and 312 Stone Alley.

A motion was made to approve a coin toss to be held by Coplay Fire Department, set for 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Nov. 24 at Second and Chestnut streets. The rain date for the toss is Nov. 25.

As discussed at the October workshop meeting, a motion was made to approve a contract between the borough and the Sanctuary of Haafsville for $400, which will last until the end of 2023. Police Chief Ryan Emerich had asked council to consider enlisting the assistance of an animal shelter to help control any stray animals in the borough.

A motion was also made to approve a contract for $2,000 with the Sanctuary of Haafsville for the calendar year of 2024. Both of these motions were taken to a vote and passed.

Council approved making a payment to Motorola Solutions in the amount of $28,384 for watch guard upfitting, which is a mobile video system for in-car and body cameras used by law enforcement. The money for this system will be coming back to the borough through grant funding.

Waldemar Jablonski was appointed to the planning commission for a five-year term.

As a follow-up to the October workshop meeting, borough Secretary Tiffany Benson reported there were 119 pool passes sold in the 2022 season and 59 pool passes sold in the 2023 season. Councilman Charles Sodl said there needs to be more conservative spending regarding pool expenses.