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Search begins for borough manager

During the Oct. 2 Macungie Borough Council meeting, discussion was held over the problem with water and the bump-out on Race Street. Plans are being made to correct the problems; residual funds from the Streetscape project will be used for this. The state has to approve all changes to the bump-outs; when approval is received, the work will go out for bid.

A bid award was given to Estate Maintenance Inc. for curbside leaf collection. This contract will cover three years for $25,343.15 per year with a one-year extension of the same amount. The total contract amount is $101,372.60. This service will begin Nov. 1.

Columbia Excavating crosswalk work has been completed which included removal of the crosswalk lights. Council approved the payment of $15,000 for the service.

The search will begin again for a borough manager. The borough will advertise the position and hire a candidate who will then train with the current manager.

Several residents on Church Street have filed appeals over the sidewalk decision. The planning commission has followed up with letters to stand by the decision.

The HVAC project for Macungie Institute will be up for bid again. Council approved the rebid process.

A resolution was approved for the police pension contribution. This is an annual resolution. Approval was made to deposit $20,063 of state aid into the nonuniformed benefit pension, deposit $44,043.77 of state aid into the uniformed police benefit plan and deposit $28,496.23 (employer contribution) from the general fund into the uniformed police defined benefit plan to pay the remaining police balance for 2023.

There was an executive session held for real estate, legal and personnel issues.