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Library friends welcome bibliophiles to summer book sale


Special to The Press

The first summer Friends of the Parkland Community Library book sale took place June 27 at the library.

The day began with some rain, but by the afternoon the rain stopped and book buyers looking for special books, puzzles, and even music discs and albums visited the library.

Ilia Dietrich and her crew did not disappoint. They had all the books organized in the many rooms of the library, including the book shop to the left in the front of the building and outside under a small tent and under the eaves of the building.

There even were books to purchase in the hallways and in the Carol and Perry Zirkel Meeting Rooms. Two volunteers were available to collect money.

The funds are used by the volunteers from the Friends of the Library for adult and children’s events, for programming, for benches in front of the library and for landscaping around the outside with native plants. The next sale is set for September.

The book sale room is open all summer for sales 10 a.m.-noon Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 9 a.m. to noon Saturdays.

PRESS PHOTOS BY ANITA HIRSCH Jennifer Micheli and her daughter, Quinn, look over books on the tables outside Parkland Community Library, South Whitehall.
Beth Sloan collects her favorite books on the tables outside the front of the Parkland Community Library.