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Resolution 2022-7 adds acreage to agricultural security area

April 21 marked the Lower Milford board of supervisors regular monthly meeting. The meeting was stacked full of agenda items.

Before the regular board meeting, a conditional use hearing was held for the proposed Limeport Commons development. This will be a 24-unit development at the corner or Hoffman Lane and Limeport Pike. The applicants were seeking a multiuse development. The application was approved by the board.

The treasurer’s report showed the general fund totaled just over $1.4 million as of March 31. The authorization of the April bills was then approved.

In new business, the first item was the approval of Resolution 2022-7, which accepts and adopts the proposed addition of the Lafrenz property containing 34.22 acres and 3.5 acres to the Agricultural Security Area.

Next, bids were approved for the Lower Milford Township Building garage roof replacement, building cleaning and lawn care. The garage roof will be a metal roof.

The Allentown Police Department made a request for Lower Milford Fire Police’s assistance with traffic control during the St. Luke’s Half-Marathon held April 24. This was approved. The half-marathon was held at Cedar Beach Park.

In a follow-up from a resident’s complaint, the board approved Solicitor Mark Cappuccio to proceed with legal action regarding property at 6341 Hoffman Lane. Another follow-up from the last meeting was an approval to pass an ordinance to disband the recreation and open space board. The board met very infrequently and will now act as advisers.

The cost estimate was received for the township sewage disposal system replacement. It is estimated at just under $40,000.

A letter of interest was accepted from Brian McKee for the emergency management coordinator position. High praise was given to McKee and the supervisors decided to hire him.

Afterward, an amendment was made to rescind the 2022 CBA for a public works wage adjustment. This would have given raises to the employees. It was said this was due to it being a union contract.

Road bids were next on the agenda. There were little changes from last year, except rising prices.

Next, the Pine Tree Road Survey results were received. This was for a potential leaf drop-off on an area on the road. However, the survey showed some steep slopes, which makes it unfeasible for the lot to be used for the drop-off area.

A traffic study on Hoffman Lane showed there should be trucking restrictions placed on the road. A decision was not made on the exact type of restriction. An ordinance will be prepared and read at the next meeting.

In correspondence, three letters were received.

A letter was received from the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission regarding encroachments or incursions onto commission property. This is an annual reminder.

Second, a letter was received from The Lehigh County Board of Assessment appeal regarding the breach of Act 319 on the property of 6140 Janes Lane and Kings Highway South. This deals with a tax issue.

Last was a letter received from The Lehigh County Board of Assessment appeals granting total real estate exemption on the property of 1024 Standard Lane.

The meeting was then adjourned.

The next Lower Milford Board of Supervisors regular meeting will take place 6:30 p.m. May 19. The meetings are located at the Lower Milford Township Building, 7607 Chestnut Hill Church Road.