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It’s a perfect day for a parade

Rain held back until the very end of the 100th annual Halloween Parade Oct. 31. In other words, it was a perfect day for a parade.

Mayor Robert Donchez led his last parade up Broad Street and then down Main Street. He will step down from his mayoral duties this year.

Liberty HS whose world-famous marching band participated in the parade, also celebrates its 100th anniversary, as does Nitschmann MS.

Managing Director Bruce Haines drove a vintage automobile with a contingent of Hotel Bethlehem employees in their contribution to the parade.

Hopeton Clennon of Central Moravian Church, Carol Obando-Derstine of PPL and Shelia Clennen of Liberty HS were judges for the 100th anniversary Halloween Parade in Bethlehem.
Mayor Robert Donchez leads the 100th anniversary Halloween Parade in Bethlehem
Freedom HS Patriot Band.
East Hills MS Charger Band.
Freemansburg ES is represented in the parade.
Moravian University March Greyhounds.
Liberty HS Grenadier Band.
PRESS PHOTOS BY DOUGLAS GRAVES Bruce Haines, managing director of the Hotel Bethlehem.