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College Corner

Bloomsburg University

Students named to dean’s list

Area students are among those named to the dean’s list for the spring 2021 semester including: Hannah Agrippine, Elizabeth Andronis, Kelly Arner, Brianna Belzner, Thomas Berdahl, Laticia Feliciano, Helen Flynn, Kennedy Frederick, Faith Garavaglia, Ethan Gasper, Kacper Grycel, Victoria Karlovits, Kayla Lopez, Hannah Lovenwirth, Justin Maicks, Hanna Martin, Kevin Miller, Kora Murphy, Katerin Rodriguez, Alizay Speight, Emily Willcox, Emma Zellers, all of Allentown; Sarah Kohler, Jessica Luecke, both of Emmaus; Rosamaria Amato, Jake Cannon, Madison Dill, Megan Fenstermacher, Grace Flood, Courtney Garloff, Emily Martelliti, Alexa Ryan, Christopher Wainwright, all of Macungie.