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Hokendauqua: Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church moves services indoors

Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, 3355 MacArthur Road, held its first indoor service Sept. 13 after meeting outside for worship for a while due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Services begin 9 a.m.

The congregation is taking several steps to conduct a safe service, such as communion (wafer and grape juice) in a small bag, bells played instead of singing, social distancing and the wearing of masks.

Services are also being livestreamed for those who choose to worship at home.


Vicar Tom Busteed, the new pastor of Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, will have his ordination and installation 4 p.m. Oct. 4.

Because of the coronavirus, a limited number of people will be allowed inside the church.


Faith Evangelical Lutheran’s Sunday school will begin Oct. 4 via Zoom. Call the church at 610-435-0451 to find out the time.


Harvest Home is set for Oct. 11 at Faith. Bring your food donations to the church this day.

Needed items include tuna, pancake mix, pancake syrup, canned fruit, canned meats, canned pastas, Hamburger Helper, boxed potatoes, soup (not tomato), coffee, tea, egg noodles, elbow macaroni, stuffing mix and canned vegetables (preferably corn, green beans, peas, yams and sweet potatoes).

The donated food is shared with Whitehall Food Pantry, with some being used for the church’s Thanksgiving and Christmas boxes.

Monetary donations to purchase food are welcomed as well. Make your check payable to the church, with a notation that the money be used as a food donation.


First Presbyterian Church of Hokendauqua has committed to collecting and donating at least 125 boxes of Jell-O mix to Whitehall Food Pantry for Thanksgiving.

If you wish to contribute, drop off your donation at the church, 3005 S. Front St., 9 a.m.-noon Wednesdays or at a Sunday outdoor worship service.

The deadline to drop off donations is Oct. 25.


The Rev. Christine Kass, pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Hokendauqua, is creating a list of those who are interested in becoming members of the church. A new members class on Zoom is being planned; the date is to be determined but will most likely occur sometime later this fall.

Message the church’s Facebook page or email hokeypres@gmail.com if you would like to participate.


There will be a Miller-Keystone Blood Center blood drive 4-7 p.m. Nov. 16 at Faith Lutheran.

To make a reservation to donate, call Judy Ehret at 610-767-5061.


First Presbyterian Church has started a GoFundMe account to aid in the repair of exterior work on the church.

“Our 151-year-old church building home needs some exterior repair,” a post on the church’s Facebook page reads. “The brickote exterior is falling off piece by piece, and in order to save it, we need it to be repaired and repainted to preserve our outside walls.

“Total project work needed includes removal of dead trees/bushes, disconnection of exterior electrical lines, brickote repair and entire building exterior painting.

“Any donation will help make an impact,” the post continued.

For more information and to donate, visit gofundme.com/f/hokey-presbyterian-exterior-brick-repair.


Does your Hokendauqua church, club or organization have news to share? Email skoch@tnonline.com with your information by Oct. 9 to meet the deadline.