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St. John’s UCC invites youngsters to spend VBS at Cave Quest

St. John’s United Church of Christ, 1415 Rising Sun Road, Laurys Station, invites children to participate in the Vacation Bible School program, Cave Quest, from 9 a.m.-noon. June 20-24.

VBS is for children ages 4 through those entering sixth grade.

Three-year-olds may attend if a parent stays with them.

The fun-filled week explores following Jesus as the Light of the world.

Church representative Wendy Ayers-Meyers reports preregistration is preferred in order to have enough shirts and snacks for everyone.

However, VBS leaders welcome all who come for the program, even if they have not signed up in advance.

“The more, the merrier. It’s always cool. It’s always fun,” says Ayers-Meyers.

Call 610-262-8061 for information.


The Friends of Parkland Community Library is conducting a fundraiser in coordination with Spring Hill Golf and Batting Cages, 4565 Spring Hill Drive, Schnecksville.

Tickets may be purchased at the library until June 27. They may be redeemed at Spring Hill for 18 holes of miniature golf or four batting cage tokens.

All profits will return to the library for its needs.

Tickets will be valid until Sept. 22.

For information, call Lorna at 610-395-4881.


Upper Lehigh Lions Club member Marsha Johnson was elected district governor and member Karlene Laub became second vice district governor at the recent Lions District 14-K meeting.

The club, which works hard with fundraisers all year round, announced several expenditures to benefit youth.

These contributions include four $1,000 scholarships to Parkland High School seniors, two $1,000 scholarships to LCTI seniors, two $100 awards to the Parkland arts program, $125 to send a Parkland Leo to leadership camp, and $50 to send a blind youth to summer camp at Beacon Lodge.

Look for the Upper Lehigh Lions’ food stand at the Schnecksville Fair, June 20-25.