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36 percent more students pursue manufacturing careers

According to Manufacturers Resource Center (MRC), manufacturing-related student enrollment increased 36 percent at three of the region's career and technical schools: Lehigh Career and Technical Institute, Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School and the Career Institute of Technology.

"We are experiencing an increase in enrollment numbers across the Lehigh Valley," said Jack Pfunder, President and CEO of MRC.

MRC led the "Skill Up" grant initiative to address the manufacturing skills gap and change the outdated image of manufacturing. This outreach continues to include manufacturing tours for area school district guidance counselors, teachers, administrators and superintendents.

Lehigh Valley manufacturers also hosted tours for more than 2,000 students. The "What's So Cool About Manufacturing? Student Video Contest" connected manufacturers with students.

MRC's focus is now on sustaining the momentum so manufacturing companies can thrive, grow jobs and improve the economy.

"We are proud of what has been done to change the image of manufacturing in the region," said Pfunder, "MRC will continue to help manufacturers grow and fill jobs with employees who have the right knowledge, skills and abilities."