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Basketball court almost completed

During Hanover Township, Lehigh County, council’s Aug. 17 meeting, township Engineer Al Kortze announced the Chestnut Grove Park basketball court reconstruction project was expected to wrap up the week of Aug. 22, as of the Aug. 17 meeting. Kortze said he will be notifying the proper channels to reinstall the backboards and nets and hopes to see the court in use in the coming weeks.

In other business, a brief discussion was held on Resolution No. 2022-42, which requests authorization for Township Manager Melissa Wehr to provide a signature for the traffic signal maintenance agreement with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. There was no action taken at the meeting; this resolution served merely as an administrative measure to approve her authority.

Wehr mentioned the annual Lehigh Valley Association of Township Officials gathering will take place Sept. 16. In the past, Hanover Township, Lehigh County, council members have attended this event, and Wehr askedwho would be interested in attending this year’s gathering. More information on who will be attending is to come.

The meeting closed with approval of the bills for Aug. 17, and there was no additional courtesy of the floor request.