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Emmaus deputy police chief appointed

The first Emmaus Borough Council meeting of 2021 took place virtually through Zoom Jan. 4.

There were no public appeals, community minutes or special presentations to start the meeting.

There were several reappointments approved.

Craig Smith and Patricia Roblin were retained on the Community Garden Commission. Carl Wieder was reappointed to General Authority. Don Nickerson was reappointed to the Zoning Hearing Board. Richard Farmer, Lauren Kuhn, Lindsay Kleinberg and Sarah Plaza were all reappointed to the Emmaus Arts Commission. Bernadette Goetz will step down from the Emmaus Arts Commission in February.

Lastly, John Stover was reappointed to the Vacancy Board.

In the solicitor’s report, Solicitor Jeffrey Dimmick raised the issue of making vaccinations mandatory for all borough employees. He said he is currently working with other township councils he works with to create a proper process, as information still needs to be gathered. He was only introducing the idea with further discussion coming later.

Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert had no report.

Councilman Chad Balliet, representing the health, sanitation and codes committee, asked for approval for the Emmaus Commerce Center Sewage Facilities Planning Module. This was approved.

Councilwoman Shana Baumgartner asked everyone to attend the parks study conversation taking place through Zoom Jan. 21. The link to the meeting will be on the borough website.

Representing the public safety committee, Councilman John Hart announced the hiring of the new deputy chief of police - Sgt. Troy Schantz. Emmaus Police Chief Charles Palmer will retire in March and the new deputy chief will assist in this transition.

Schantz graduated from Emmaus High School in 1986. He received a criminal justice degree from Shippensburg University in 1990 and graduated from the Allentown Police Academy in 1991. He was appointed to sergeant in the Emmaus Polce Department in 2001. This position will start with a salary of $108,000.

In general administration, Resolution 2021-1 was passed. This was the appointment of the borough officials to their designated positions for a term expiring Jan. 3, 2022. The officials can be found on the Emmaus Borough website.

Borough Manager Shane Pepe had a thorough report. He said the borough hit their budget numbers. He was very happy with where they ended up.

Pepe asked for the retention of Yashira Hussett, the borough’s new billing clerk. Her probationary period has ended and Pepe said she is an excellent employee to bring on board. Several council members reported they have heard nothing but good things about Hussett. She then was approved by the council.

The next council meeting will be held virtually through Zoom 7 p.m. Jan. 21. The link will be on the borough website calendar.