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Roughies Report: CHS attendance guidelines updated

Parents/guardians of Catasauqua High School students are reminded CHS has updated its attendance guidelines, and any student attending classes in person (traditional) who needs to do virtual learning for a day must have a parent/guardian complete the temporary online class request form. The form can be found on the CHS website.

Students cannot sign themselves up for a virtual learning day.

Any CHS in-person student who does a virtual learning day without the form submitted by a parent/guardian will have the day counted as an unexcused absence.

Call the CHS main office at 610-697-0111 if you have any questions.


Attention Lehigh Career & Technical Institute parents/guardians: Please use Skyward Family Access to report a student absent or call one of the following phone numbers: 610-799-1341 for half-day students; 610-799-1363 for academic center students; or 610-799-1491 for career academy program students.

Skyward can be used to view assignments, grades and report cards, along with calendars and school messages. Parents/guardians can use Skyward to print report cards and other materials, update contact information or communicate with teachers, counselors and other school personnel.

If you need a username/password reset, just complete the form at https://lcti.wufoo.com/forms/zbr88z81w8qrxm or call student services at 610-799-1366.