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Football Reunion

A Northampton football reunion was recently held. The event took place back on May 17 at the Tri-Boro in Northampton.

Any former Northampton football player was invited to attend.

In the top photo, Larry Buchman (77), Scott Christman (76), Joe Liskanich (76), Bob Bryant (76), Steve Herschman (59), and Lenny Cowitch (72) share a laugh from stories from their high school days.

In the above left photo is (left to right) Bob Flyte (63), Larry Christoff (69), Carl Wunderler (56), Stan Christoff (67), James Kish (67) and Les Tashner (67) eating food made by the Tri-Boro ladies Karen and Snookie.

Above right, left to right, John Oplinger son of Willard “Schnutz “Oplinger, Schnutz Oplinger (61), Gary Smith (61), Charlie Woginrich (62) and Larry Newhard (62) enjoyed the afternoon together and sharing memories from their high school careers during the reunion.

Pattie “Masluk” Schwartzman, Shelly Paukovits and Kate Erdosy made kiffles, cupcakes, tandy cakes and molasses cake for the reunion.

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