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Annual meeting is held in East Greenville

Groundhog Lodge #13 at the Indian Creek, Emmaus, held its 66th annual Fersommling and Fescht (meeting and banquet) at East Greenville Fire Company, Fourth and Washington streets, East Greenville, March 25.

At 6:30 p.m. Haaptmann (President) Barry Miller called the Lodge to order and led the 119 Grundsei attending in the singing of three verses of Amerika and the Ferschpreches Zum Faahne (Pledge of Allegiance). Parra (Pastor) Alton Sentner, of the Lighthouse Community Church, Lyons, led the group through the Die Ruich Minnutt (Quiet Minute) and the Gebet (Prayer). Not only were all the Grundset remembered who had died, but specifically two Roadsmenner (board members), Richard Musselman and James Raynock.

Bruce Rohrbach and The Happy Dutchmen provided the music and songs in the dialect, while the Grundsei enjoyed the family style meal with Schunkefleesch (ham) and Brotwascht (sausage) as the entrees.

Grundsei attending for the first time were recognized and treated to red or blue handkerchiefs and other favors. All the Grundsei who attended were given lodge-imprinted pens and pocket flashlights.

Roadsmenner Larry Ackerman and Gerald Diehl also played vital roles in the program.

Parra Alton Sentner, the main speaker, reminded those who attended of the important role that Schatz (aprons) worn by our Grossmudder (grandmother) and Mudder (mothers) played as an integral part of their clothing daily at home. While mixing in humor, he reminded us that it not only protected their dress from dirty spots and stains, it served a myriad of ways – wiping tears of children, a potholder, opening jars, a carry-all, etc. There were special Schatz of theirs to be worn on Sundays only.

After the Letscht Gebet (Last Prayer) by the Parra, the Haaptmann led us in the Letshte Watte (words) “Liever Gott Im Himmel Drin, Loss Uns (PA) Deitsche Was Mir Sin ...”

The officers and current board were re-elected for another year: Haaptmann Barry Miller, Unnerhaaptmann Earl Kleinsmith, Schreiwer (secretary) Tim D. Ritter, Geldhaver (treasurer) Neil G. Moyer, Fudermeeshder (foodmaster) Donald A. Ritter and Roadsmenner (board members) Larry Ackerman, Aurel Arndt, Gerald Diehl, John Fegley, Ronald Keiser and Daniel Strunk.

Grundsow Lodge #13 Haaptmann (President) Barry Miller speaks at the 66th annual Fersommling and Fescht (meeting and banquet) of the lodge at East Greenville Fire Company recently. Press Photos by C. Richard Chartrand
Lodge members attending for the first time are recognized and receive red or blue handkerchiefs and other favors during the event.