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The firmament, where shadows dance.

A planet caught in a sad trance.

The celestial hues conceal stories of humanity’s tragedies.

In the vastness of the universe, whispers of evil continue to spread.

A symphony of pain and a cosmic dirge,

In the firmament, where sorrows rise.

The stars form a tapestry of greed and power, shaped by darkness.

In the grandeur above, a canvas of conflict,

Painted in the colors of human life.

A comet streaked by, leaving wounds across the midnight sky.

Discordant notes of anger resonate in the firmament, leaving echoes.

On this cosmic stage, a play emerges about poverty and forgotten stories.

In the firmament, hunger rules,

A terrible story inscribed in cosmic stains.

Pollution weaves toxic strands.

A poison that the firmament despises.

Clouds of gloom hide the light.

The firmament is where dreams take flight.

War can be likened to a meteor shower, causing destruction at night.

In the cosmic theater, the acts unfold.

Of a world gripped by power.

However, in the firmament, a gleam persists.

A hope that goes above the world’s refrains.

For despite the gloom, stars persist.

A strong light that evil cannot resist.

In the midst of troubles, may compassion and love coexist.

Align the constellations of unity to heal a broken world.

Aaron Vasquez Medrano

Age 13, Grade 8

Trexler Middle School

Allentown School District