Student muralists depict “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire”
Published April 17. 2024 03:01PM
Contributed Photos Students in the Shoemaker Fifth Grade Art Club worked together to render their take on “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” the latest entry in the franchise, in murals on the glass panels of the AMC Center Valley 16 recently. ABOVE: Mari Marmaros seems to operate the Ghostbusters' ghost trap.
Kate Hearn is among the student muralists at the AMC Center Valley 16.
Halden Jones gives his close attention to a mural detail.
Kira Harding works on Slimer, one of the most recognizable ghosts in the “Ghostbusters” franchise.
Gray Relles concentrates on the task at hand.
Luke Anderson is among the students working on the mural for the movie “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire.”
Addison Barndt works on an outline of a specter.
Gavin Cairns participates in the student mural project at AMC Center Valley 16.
Maggie Kieres looks as if she may have seen a ghost!
The Ghostbusters logo appears in the “Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire” mural painted by students in the Shoemaker Fifth Grade Art Club with help from Shoemaker art teacher and club mentor Jeff Shreck as well as art club alums now students in middle and high school.
Students muralists, including fifth grade art club members and alumni, gather for a photo with their club mentor and finished mural including, front row, left to right, Kate Hearn, Maggie Kieres, Mari Marmaros, Natalie Fontaine; back row, left to right, Nick Balsamo, of Emmaus High School, Angelina Balsamo, of EHS, Halden Jones, Branson Trexler, Jonathan Shreck, a second grader, William Alderfer, Casey Dougherty and Shoemaker Elementary School art teacher and art club mentor Jeff Shreck.
Shoemaker Fifth Grade Art Club members, club alumni and club members gather for a photo with their finished artwork including front row, from left to right, William Alderfer, Kate Hearn, Maggie Kieres, Halden Jones, Angelina Balsamo, now a student at Emmaus High School, Nick Balsamo, also a student at EHS; back row, left to right, Shoemaker Elementary School art teacher and art club mentor Jeff Shreck, Natalie Fontaine, Mari Marmaros, Casey Dougherty, Branson Trexler and Jonathan Shreck, a second grade student.