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Grade: I am currently a senior at Dotre Dame HS.

Family members: My parents are Matthew and Peggy Thomas. I am an only child.

Favorite subject(s): My favorite subjects are science and math, specifically astronomy and quantum mechanics. I have a passion for understanding the world around me, from the smallest level to the largest.

Activities: I am the president of National Honor Society, the president and founder of Technology Club, the vice president of Future Business Leaders of America, Student Council Senior Secretary, and was on the sponsorship committee for Mini-THON. I wrestle year round. I am otherwise involved in service events for Key Club, competitions for Scholastic Scrimmage, and stage crew for the spring musicals.

Next steps: I plan to attend university to pursue a degree in mechanical engineering. I am aiming for a master’s degree, but will decide my course during my time in college.

Career goals: I hope to find a job for myself that doesn’t feel like work. Once I have a stable income, I will consider trying to start my own business of some sort.

Heroes: My heroes are my parents, my wrestling coach, and a few extraordinary teachers. Each has taught me important life lessons, motivated me to achieve my goals, and sacrificed their own time for my betterment.

Hobbies: I water ski, snow ski, program, play video games, and spend time with friends and family.

Current job(s): I do not currently have a job.

Volunteer/community work: I am extremely involved in my school community. I often help out with different events, such as decorating for Spirit Week and setting up our wrestling Fall Fest fundraiser. I am currently organizing a retreat for the senior class as one of six Kairos leaders. Otherwise, I occasionally volunteer at a food bank near my house.

Likes: I like music, sunny days, climbing, stargazing, outside fires and learning new things.

Dislikes: I dislike slow walkers, olives, going to bed late when I have to wake up early, and spending too much time in one place.

Greatest accomplishment (so far): I placed top 12 in the United States in a Mobile Application Development competition for Future Business Leaders of America.

Advice for peers: Take opportunities when they come to you, but don’t overwhelm yourself. You won’t know what you like if you don’t try things, and you won’t be happy if you don’t know what you like. Inspire change in other people. One good deed on your part could lead to a thousand from others. Strike a balance between work and play. Enjoy yourself, but remember that more doors will be open to you if you work hard.

Student profile subjects are selected by faculty and administration at the individual schools.

Nathaniel Thomas