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CWSA discusses pump fault options

During Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority’s March 21 meeting, held at the CWSA building, 3213 MacArthur Road, Whitehall, James Roth, assistant secretary, brought up the ongoing problem at the Eberhart pumping station, which is experiencing a VSE pump fault. Operations Manager Mike Melosky elaborated on the issue and possible solutions.

Three quotes were received to help resolve. Two were from Envirep/TLC to supply a new pump for $23,683 and one for a rebuild. The rebuild option is not being entertained. Melosky suggests getting a new one.

The other quote for $4,458 was from Gorman- Rupp to do an analysis to determine if the problem is caused by a voltage or an air-quality issue.

A motion was brought up for the quotes for a new pump and the analysis to be done. The motions were voted on and carried.

Secretary Paul Geissinger spoke on the need to get a handle on the requirements on the Riverside Drive project as the construction to Wood Street in Whitehall will require CWSA involvement. The recommendation is to dispatch T&M Associates for an inquiry. This motion was voted on and carried.

Chairman James Hahn said two late invoices from T&M Associates needed to be included in this month’s invoices to be paid. One is for $139 and the other for $7,094. This motion approved and carried.

A Whitehall resident attending the meeting asked about the status of the Cementon-Northampton Bridge project and CWSA requirements. General Manager Matt Harleman said they are awaiting word on when the work requirements are due.

Harleman reminded the board to review the Kline’s Island Sewer System (KISS) signatory meeting paperwork distributed to the board and come back with any questions.

Hahn mentioned the board held an executive session regarding a litigation just before the meeting. No further details were mentioned.