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Fighting Hunger: Hunger Initiative continues to help Whitehall, Coplay residents

Whitehall-Coplay Hunger Initiative’s mission is to alleviate food insecurity in Whitehall Township and Coplay Borough. We are pleased to report WCHI is helping many Whitehall and Coplay residents. Our pantry attendance has been growing monthly. In February, WCHI served 299 households, consisting of 413 children, 516 adults and 240 seniors, for a total of 1,169 people.

We are located in the school building at the St. John the Baptist Catholic Church complex, 3024 S. Ruch St., Whitehall. Our pantry is open 9 a.m.-1 p.m. and 4:30-7 p.m. the second and third Thursdays of the month. This is by appointment only, and we close promptly 1 p.m. and 7 p.m.

First-time attendees, come to the parking lot behind the church, and a volunteer will give you directions. For our guests who have mobility issues, a WCHI volunteer will shop for you and bring the food to your car in the parking lot.

No smoking is permitted anywhere on church property. Whitehall and Coplay residents can only visit once a month.

WCHI is required by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to register all our guests. Thank you in advance for your patience. This registration process does not take long. Present two forms of ID to verify residency, such as a valid photo ID and/or utility bills. We need to register all guests again every July.

There are income limits based on the people living in the household. For example, a household of one person can have a monthly income of $2,248 or less to qualify, a household of four people can have a monthly income of $4,625 or less to qualify, and a household of seven people can have a monthly income of $7,002 or less to qualify. We have income limits for all household sizes. No income paperwork is required.

Call 484-225-0358 to schedule your initial appointment. Each month when you attend our pantry distribution, you will be given a new appointment for your next month’s visit.

The senior food box program is offered through WCHI and works to improve the health of low-income seniors, aged 60 or older, by supplementing their diets with nutritious U.S. Department of Agriculture foods. WCHI started offering this state program in November 2022, serving 17 seniors. We now serve 80 seniors and will continue to help more.

The income qualifying guidelines to receive a box have been recently raised. Call Gail at 610-351-6412 with any senior food box questions.

WCHI is committed to helping as many low-income Whitehall and Coplay residents as possible who qualify for both the pantry and senior box food programs. We also include homebound and mobility-impaired residents. Spread the word through your faith-based bulletins, and tell your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors. We are here to help!

Partnering with the faith-based community and others, WCHI is proud to provide these free meals to low-income Whitehall and Coplay households twice a month. All are welcome to attend both meals, held 4-6 p.m. the first Sunday and third Tuesday each month. The host location will determine the number of meals prepared and will be served on a first-come, first-served basis until gone. These meals are well attended.

If you have any questions about hosting a meal for 2025 or guests wanting more information, call Karen Haberern at 610-730-3184.

Monetary donations are appreciated and can be mailed to Shari Noctor at Re/Max Unlimited, 1080 Schadt Ave., Whitehall, 18052. Make checks payable to Whitehall-Coplay Hunger Initiative. WCHI is a 501(c)3 IRS-approved nonprofit organization, and your donation may be tax deductible. Please discuss with your financial adviser.

Food donations are always needed. Can you, your business or organization host a food drive for us? We always can use cereal, diced tomatoes, canned fruit in natural or light syrup, boxed macaroni and cheese and other items.

Food can be shipped to or dropped off at my office 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays-Fridays.