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Direct Drawing Club at Salisbury Elementary School encourages students to get creative

Press Photos by Lauren Wellbank The PTO at Salisbury Elementary School is sponsoring a variety clubs to help students develop their skills and interests and try new things. The Directed Drawing Club is among clubs offered for students. ABOVE: Lucia Regan Zamora shows the hibernating bear she drew.
Avery Reppert displays his version of a bear described by Michaeleen Reinhard during an afternoon of Directed Drawing Club at Salisbury Elementary School.
Addison Hanna and Aria Driers work on their bears described to them during the Directed Drawing Club. Addison also is adding a few extra details to her take on the story.
Directed Drawing Club participants Lilly Segall and Jocelyn Laible work hard on their bears, coloring in the details after they finished their sketches.
Paige Starsinic takes a break from the picture she is working on during Directed Drawing Club.