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YOUR HELP REQUESTED:Are you a resident of Bethlehem Township with photos of the recent train derailment? We’d like to hear from you and perhaps publish some of your photos/ We’re interested in your reactions to the derailment and how it is being handled by local, state and federal officials. Share your thoughts and photos at gtaylor@tnonline.com.

CAMP FOWLER REGISTRATION: Valley Youth House announces that registration for 2024 summer camp programs at Camp Fowler is now open.

Camp Fowler will be hosting seven summer camp sessions from June 24 to August 5

Nestled on 43 wooded acres in Orefield, PA, Camp Fowler offers a unique and enriching experience for young people, providing a safe environment to connect with nature, build relationships, and learn important life skills.

“At Camp Fowler, our mission is to provide a transformative experience for our campers,” said Mike Brady, Camp Director at Camp Fowler. “We believe in the power of nature to inspire, educate, and empower young people, and we are thrilled to open our doors for another exciting summer!”

Camp Fowler offers both day camp and overnight options, allowing families to choose the program that best fits their needs. Day Camps are for youth ages 6-14, and overnight Camps are for youth ages 8-14.

To register for camp, click here, or for more information, contact Milytza Rivera, Camp Fowler Administrative Specialist, at 484-223-0724 or mriveraperez@valleyyouthhouse.org.