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Chad Balliet elected Emmaus Borough Council president

On Jan. 2, Emmaus Borough Council approved a series of nominations, appointments and resignations.

Judge Douglas Reichley commenced the proceedings by administering the oath of office to newly elected council members, Chad Balliet, Nathan Brown, Katherine Watt and Christopher Hoenscheid.

Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert began by presiding over the reorganization meeting. Balliet was elected president in a split vote of 4-3. In a unanimous vote, Councilwoman Shana Baumgartner was elected vice president.

The official regular meeting began without personal appeals, community minutes or special presentations.

The communications portion of the meeting included various reappointments and requests for appointments. All reappointments to commissions were approved. All those newly asking for an appointment were assigned to each commission for consideration.

Reappointed was John Zettlemoyer to the Emmaus General Authority, Alan Hawman and Franklin Tranguch to the building board of appeals, Carolyn Davidson to the board of health and Anne Zayaitz to the Emmaus Public Library board.

The meeting also saw Patricia Roblin, Rebecca Strauss and Craig Smith reappointed to the community garden commission, Tim Jones to the zoning hearing board and Darryl Wentz to the civil service commission.

Additionally, Ott Consulting Inc. was reappointed as the borough’s engineering firm. Hanover Engineering Associates, Inc. was reappointed as the borough utilities engineer and sewage enforcement officer.

To be considered for appointment were Bruce Luff to the Emmaus Public Library board, as well as Taylor Rojek and Hattie Freye to the Emmaus Arts Commission.

For departures, it was announced Giovanni Sicurello temporarily resigned from the Ambulance Corps, Carl Cramer resigned from the library board and the retirement announcement of Christopher Pierog.

A proposal by the Kiwanis Club to organize the 70th annual Easter Egg Hunt March 30 was approved. It will take place at the soccer field parallel to the railroad tracks at Emmaus Community Park. The egg hunt will start 1 p.m.

Additionally, the delinquent real estate tax collections proposal from Keystone Collections Group was accepted.

In new business, Resolution 2024–1 was passed by council, appointing the borough officials to their designated positions for terms expiring Jan. 6, 2025.

Of note, Police Chief Jason Apgar, Fire Chief John Price, Borough Manager Shane Pepe and Public Works Director Lawrence Carl to name a few.

The only actionable item in the committee reports was the approval of the 2022 annual auditor’s report, as well as the bill list.

Pepe stated they are in the process of searching for paramedics and a part-time paramedic was just let go, so they are in need of good candidates.

The meeting was then adjourned.

The next Emmaus Borough Council meeting will be held 6 p.m. Jan. 15. The meetings are located at Emmaus Borough Hall, 28 N. Fourth St.

PRESS PHOTO BY JAKE MELUSKEY Emmaus Borough Council adds three newly elected candidates, Nathan Brown, Christopher Hoenscheid and Katherine Watt, plus re-elected and newly appointed Council President Chad Balliet.
PRESS PHOTO BY JAKE MELUSKEY Emmaus Borough Council, alongside Mayor Lee Ann Gilbert, left, welcomes the new year at its Jan. 2 meeting.