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Happy Holidays

As the year wound down, the Halloween candy was cleared from the grocery store shelves;

It was time to make room for creations made by Santa and all of his hardworking elves.

Of course, first was Thanksgiving and the festivities that on that day will occur;

There is food to eat and football to watch; too much of both we can probably concur.

The excitement in children grows rapidly as Christmas Day grows near;

They promise they are well-behaved, just like they have been all year?

It’s time to decorate the Christmas tree with ornaments, tinsel and lights;

The tree is a symbol of the seasonal spirit that will last throughout the days and the nights.

The holiday feelings are special and ones we should forever hold;

The Christmas season should bring joy to all, both to the young and to the old.

We can share good times with family and friends, whether they be close or far away.

That sharing should not just happen now, but each and every day.

Not everyone will feel the merriment of Christmas, we know that to be true;

Keeping those less fortunate in our thoughts, is the very least that we can do.

It is a topsy-turvy world we live in, no one can deny that fact;

Let us be grateful for all we receive and try our best to always give back.

The events of the past year become memories as the new year is ready to start;

As the winter chill surrounds you, may the Holiday spirit warm your heart.

I wish you the merriest of Holidays, may you laugh and love like never before;

And may you be healthy and happy now and throughout 2024.

Scot Dapp

former Moravian College

head football coach