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Chosen Words: ‘The Week Before Christmas’

’Tis the week before Christmas

And all through the house

There’s hurrying and scurrying

Yes, even the mouse.

So busy with decorations

Projects of all kinds

The handmade gifts will be a delightful surprise

Mounds of packages stacked to wrap and to tie

Scents of cookies baking waft heavenward up to the sky.

The tree’s all a twinkle

The baby’s smile glows

The children are excited about Santa, you know

Will their behavior be good enough

So that Santa, for sure, with his bag full of toys

Will enter the chimney this year?

The outside is trimmed with hundreds of lights

No one can miss the house

Even on less than starry nights

Oh, the anticipation of Uncle Ernie and Sue

Coming for a visit from Idaho, too.

Is there a time of the year

more exciting than this?

This week before Christmas ...

Will the Christ Child appear?

The cards are all sent.

Do you know who we missed?

For the love flows all around us

This week before Christmas

D.J. Hausman-Hill
