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Three receive lifesaving awards for rescuing victims at Salisbury fires

Three people received Salisbury Police Department Lifesaving Awards at the Nov. 9 meeting of township commissioners for their actions resulting in the rescue of entrapped victims at two separate fires earlier this year in the township.

Andy Carr, a Northampton County firefighter, without any firefighter protective gear, scaled a ladder at a home fire along Essex Road Sept. 18 and pulled a female victim to safety from a second-floor window.

Reading the lifesaving commendation, Salisbury Township Police Chief Donald Sabo said:

“On the evening of Sept. 18, 2023, Salisbury Township Police and Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company units were dispatched to the 3100 block of Essex Road for a house fire with possible entrapment.

“Multiple 911 calls confirmed two people were inside the home at the time of the fire and one victim was at a second-floor window.

“WSVFC was hosting a safety class on fallen tree/saw safety taught by professional arborist Andy Carr, a Northampton County firefighter.

“Carr responded in the chief’s vehicle with WSVFC Chief Joshua Wells. Upon arrival the two saw fire coming from the home with one victim hanging from a window on the second floor.

“While Wells directed firefighting efforts, Carr used a ladder brought over by a neighbor and climbed to the second floor and rescued the victim. The victim was guided down the ladder and her care was transferred to a waiting medical team. The second victim was later found deceased in a lower floor of the home.

“While we acknowledge many people and first responders assisted that evening,” Sabo said, “Carr went above and beyond to save a life.”

This was not the first time Carr was credited with saving a life. He was recognized in 2021 by the Lehigh Valley Burn Foundation for pulling a trapped victim from a burning vehicle along a Northampton County roadway.

Carr and fellow Palmer Township firefighter Matt Fredricks separately happened upon a motor vehicle accident in their private vehicles. Both entered the crashed and burning minivan without protective equipment. Carr freed the trapped driver from his seat belt and both men were able to pull the victim from the vehicle moments before fire enveloped the passenger compartment.

Carr modestly said both saves were the result of being at the right place at the right time.

Also presented with Salisbury Police Department Lifesaving Awards were Salisbury Police Department patrol officer Bryan Losagio and township resident Richard Spangler, who were credited with saving a life during an April 8, 2023, home fire in the eastern portion of the township.

Reading the lifesaving commendations, Sabo said:

“On April 8, 2023, Salisbury Township Police and Eastern Salisbury Fire Department units were dispatched to the 1700 block of Illingsworth Avenue for a house fire with possible entrapment. Mr. Spangler was on scene when Officer Losagio arrived in under one minute after dispatch.

“Flames were coming from a second-floor window. Vehicles were parked at the home and it was believed that at least one person was still inside.

“Mr. Spangler and Officer Losagio forced entry into the home looking for occupants. Fire was growing on the second floor with heavy smoke.

“One occupant was found sleeping in the attic area of the home. Shortly after rousing the victim both stairwells were cut off by fire. Unfortunately, one family pet perished in the fire.

“If it was not for the quick actions of Officer Losagio and Mr. Spangler, the incident could have resulted in loss of life.

“It is not often said that seconds really do matter, but in this instance, without the quick action and specific timing of entry, lives would have been in jeopardy.”

Sabo and Wells both expressed at the ceremony that “quick action saves lives.”

PRESS PHOTO BY JIM MARSH Palmer Municipal Fire Department firefighter Andy Carr, center, is recognized Nov. 9 with a Salisbury Police Department lifesaving award for rescuing a Salisbury resident from an Essex Road fire Sept. 18. Salisbury Township Police Chief Donald Sabo, left and Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company Chief Joshua Wells present the award and commend Carr for his selfless actions.
PRESS PHOTO BY JIM MARSH Salisbury Police Department patrol officer Bryan Losagio and township resident Richard Spangler are presented with Salisbury Police Department Lifesaving Awards at a meeting of township commissioners Nov. 9. The two are credited with saving the life of a township resident at an April 8 fire along Illingsworth Avenue in the township. Salisbury Police Department Chief Donald Sabo, left and Western Salisbury Volunteer Fire Company Chief Joshua Wells, representing Eastern Salisbury Fire Department Chief Ian Dodson, present the awards.