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SMS roof bid accepted for $2.5 million

On Nov. 8, the Salisbury Township School Board held an operations committee meeting to discuss both the middle school roof replacement project and the 2019 bond projects.

Director of Facilities Bill Brackett worked closely with Andrew Mather of D’Huy Engineering to review bids from 10 different contractors who submitted bids ranging from $4.6 million to $1.8 million. Upon review, the lowest bid of $1.8 million was found to have several mathematical errors and the bid was rescinded.

After considering all bids, Brackett recommended the board award the middle school roofing project to Alan Kunsman Roofing and Siding, Inc. who submitted the next lowest bid of $2.5 million.

Kunsman’s work is not new to the district as they were contracted to replace the roof at Salisbury Elementary School.

Brackett presented the details of the project proposing a timeline starting on or about June 10, 2024 and a completion date of Aug. 16, 2024. He cautioned that depending on weather and other factors there is a possibility the project may extend after the start of school but noted there should be no disruption to the school day and no internal work is needed to complete the job.

Director Joseph Gnall questioned whether workers were required to have background checks and clearances to work on the premises while students are in school.

Brackett assured the board all workers must have clearances in order to work on campus and he retains tight control over who is allowed on the premises. Additionally, work hours are timed so trucks are not adding to congestion with the buses upon arrival and dismissal.

Superintendent Lynn Fuini-Hetten spoke briefly about the funding for the project which will come from the $3.5 million PFM bond.

The roofing project combined with the D’Huy estimate of $1 million to mitigate the water infiltration at SES should total $3.5 million. If the SES project comes in over the estimate some funding decisions will need to be made.

Chief Financial Officer Dawn Nickischer updated the board on the expenditures associated with the 2019 bond projects. The projects include a storage shed, pit cover, boiler, flooring materials for 14 rooms and hallways at SES as well as new stair treads. All bond money has been fully allocated and all spending requirements have been met. Spending requirements state bond money must be spent within five years of the issued bond.

The next meeting of the operations committee will be 7 p.m. Dec. 6 at the administration building, 1140 Salisbury Road.