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School board accepts donations for students, project at WCMS

Whitehall Coplay School Board’s regular meeting Oct. 23 was business as usual. Minutes from prior meetings were approved, bills were paid and reports were read.

The board acknowledged donations of school supplies, hygiene products and a case of earphones from Whitehall Active Community Center. The employees at ALDI were also thanked for their contribution of school supplies.

The Warm Company of Washington provided $900 worth of batting, and Heartbeat Quilting of Washington provided $240 worth of batting. Fabric and materials were donated by Stash Fabrics and Lois Mease, of River Lawn Quilting of Bethlehem. These products will aid Whitehall-Coplay Middle School teacher Mrs. Gumhold and her students, who are working on a community service project making pillowcases and quilts.

Changes to the air unit replacements in Whitehall High School and Zephyr Elementary School were approved, as well as minor changes to the WHS stage refurbishing project. Both projects are moving forward.

Parents continued to voice concerns regarding this year’s change in bus stops. A stop has been added to a street with no sidewalks, raising a safety issue. Parents want the children to wait on sidewalks - not in the road - until the bus arrives. The board said Jeff Bauder, supervisor of transportation, is evaluating the situation.

In other matters, the board approved curriculum-based field trips for grades kindergarten to 8.

The board also approved salary increases for teachers who have successfully completed additional educational credits beyond what was needed for their degree. Salaries for coaches and extracurricular staff were also approved.

The next regular school board meeting will be 7 p.m. Nov. 20 in the WHS LGI room, 3800 Mechanicsville Road.