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Why should I vote for you?

We asked all candidates through the print and online versions of The Bethlehem Press to address this question: “Why should I vote for you?” We also contacted directly those candidates who have communicated with us by sending us their candidate information and photos.

Bethlehem City Council

Devin Brunges

I believe the government must serve the people. “Our citizens are not satisfied without representation in city government.” I am the proverbial outsider. I am not related to a former mayor, nor do I work for an influential nonprofit organization. As such, I am free to put the resident first. “Local social warrior politicians keep talking about marginalized populations. There is no greater marginalized population than the average taxpayer of Bethlehem. Decisions made by the city council should promote the general good and not favor special interest.

“It is time we restore common sense. It is time to focus on the needs of our citizens first. It is time we restored balance. It is time we question the motives of the administration and faceless bureaucrats. It is time we keep the city council focused on our streets, our community safety and the needs of our residents, rather than arguing pronouns.” Devin Brunges, YOUR Representative to the city council.

Bethlehem City Council

James Follweiler

I will first focus on Bethlehem’s core missions of Roads, Parks, Police, Fire & EMS, Water & Sewers; preserving neighborhoods, and promoting economic well-being & better jobs. A retired Colonel and FEMA disaster responder, I will bring balance to city council, fight for transparency and represent all of Bethlehem’s citizens. I will welcome public comments, promote open discussions, represent the taxpayers, and really evaluate the budgets.

I am the best qualified candidate and broadly educated with an MBA, a History Masters from Lehigh, and a Bachelors of Business Administration & Finance. I grew up in West Bethlehem, graduated Liberty and married Freedom graduate Irene Donohue.

Bethlehem deserves better! The city’s priorities are not aligned with the ignored people’s needs and concerns. Policies are not discussed, they’re dictated, like the only one option Walnut Street garage replacement plan. We so desperately do not need more of the same stale closed-door politics.

Bethlehem Area Board of Education

Cindy O’Brien

I am a school director candidate for the Bethlehem Area School District. If elected, I pledge to support Academic Excellence, Parental Rights, and the Safety and Security of the Bethlehem School Community.

I have worked in the Bethlehem Area School District as a substitute teacher.

I have a teaching certificate in French from Moravian College and a BA in journalism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Before moving to Bethlehem, I worked for the Santa Barbara News-Press and The Pittsburgh Press.

I have written op-eds for The Morning Call since 2003. My op-eds have been a way for me to problem solve in a public forum. For example, during COVID-19, I wrote an op-ed showing how the British government was able to successfully implement safe, healthy alternatives to masking school children. My op-ed is an example of the kind of problem solving that is needed on the Bethlehem school board.

Hanover (Norco) Township Supervisors

Jay Finnigan

I consider it an honor and privilege for the 20+ years I’ve spent serving Hanover Township and its residents and business community. We’ve experienced responsible growth and development, 18 years with no tax increases, fought the NIZ tax revenue grab, relocated an outstanding Police Department, a dedicated Volunteer Fire Company and a Township Staff that works tirelessly to do their best every day. Our municipal parks, facilities, and roads are well maintained year-round and are the envy of our neighbors once that 1st snowflake hits the ground.

My knowledge of Municipal Government is superior, as well as my Administrative and Legislative skills. I’m an independent thinker, leader and strong voice looking to provide leadership you can trust.

I’m dedicated, hardworking, honest, trustworthy, and determined to keep Hanover Township a great place to live, work and play.

Vote for me, Jay Finnigan, and let’s ensure a greater community for future generations.
