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St. Mark’s UCC holds annual fall bazaar

PRESS PHOTOS BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE St. Mark's United Church of Christ, 52 E. Susquehanna St., welcomes shoppers to its annual fall bazaar Oct. 7. The event included food, attic treasures, baked goods and a basket raffle. ABOVE: Shirley Moyer, Joanne Santee and Tambrie Mazsa volunteer to help make St. Mark's UCC annual fall bazaar a success.
Alberta M. Miller volunteers her time helping shoppers in the Christmas section.
Over 60 baskets are donated by the congregation for its basket raffle.
Tony Barnyak, Deb Gallagher and Joe Haklar serve turkey barbecue, cabbage and noodles, homemade pierogies and other items to the hungry shoppers.
Elaine Diehl and Betty Ruth take care of the homemade baked good sale.