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Ren Faire at the Rose Garden

The Rose Garden farmers market held its first Renaissance Faire Sept. 2, with people attending in costume and L’Art Lehigh Valley Historic Fencing giving a demonstration of the skills of swordplay. Along with the usual farm produce, baked goods, food and beverage, and information booths from organizations in the Bethlehem area, residents had an opportunity to visit with royalty (Queen Elizabeth I), a French serf who would later storm the Bastille, and a knight in chain mail who has probably saved his share of damsels. The Rose Garden farmers market continues on Saturdays through Oct. 14 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

PRESS PHOTOS BY DANA GRUBB Mary Toulouse of Bethlehem dressed as a French serf and Alissa Dupuy from Ladies of History performed as Queen Elizabeth I.
In keeping with the Sept. 2 Renaissance Faire theme, John Worley of Bethlehem came dressed as a knight. More photos on A2.
Two members of L'Arte Lehigh Valley Historical Fencing demonstrate various moves and counter moves for attendees at the farmers market.
An exhibit of various types of swords used in fencing was displayed.