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Ryan Mackenzie appointed to Commission on Education, Economic Competitiveness

State Rep. Ryan Mackenzie, R-187th, has been appointed to serve as a member of the Commission on Education and Economic Competitiveness, which has been tasked with developing a long-term plan to redesign Pennsylvania’s education system.

According to a news release, the 2030 Commission, as it is called, was created by resolution during the last legislative session.

As Republican chair of the House Labor and Industry Committee, Mackenzie will also serve as a member of the commission with a particular focus on career readiness.

“I look forward to working with other commission members on an action plan for rethinking education in Pennsylvania, so our young people are best prepared to compete in a globalized economy,” Mackenzie said. “It is critical that we ensure the Commonwealth’s education system aligns with the job demands of the future.”

Made up of stakeholders from education, business, labor, and government, the commission will work for the next 18 months to produce a report on its findings and legislative recommendations.

The commission will have the authority to study the challenges within the current education system, learn from approaches to the redesign of education systems in other countries, and come up with innovative policy solutions that will enable Pennsylvania educators and students to produce stronger education outcomes.