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Southwark building contract terminated

The Sept. 5 Catasauqua Borough Council committee meetings began with Annette Pompa, owner of Taylor House Brewing Company, 76 Lehigh St., Catasauqua, expressing continued interest in occupying the Southwark building. Previously, Taylor House Brewing Company had a contract to occupy the Southwark building, 344 Second St., but it was terminated at the last council meeting by a 5-0 vote due to a breach of contract.

Pompa said there is a need for the establishment to manufacture and store its beer products in the Southwark building. Both she and her husband believe it is important their products be manufactured in Catasauqua, and they are sorely in need of the space.

According to borough Manager Glenn Eckhart, the Pompas were responsible for the breach.

Pompa said she and her husband are willing to provide the finances necessary to occupy this space beginning Oct. 1.

Council will be meeting on this topic with Pompa and Taylor House Brewing Company representatives to discuss plans to proceed on a new contract before the Sept. 18 meeting.

In other business, Matt Assad was present to discuss the River Central Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan. The comprehensive plan allows each municipality to keep its autonomy and control, but allows the communities, as a region, to take advantage of geographic similarities, address common priorities and better manage an evolving development landscape.

The plan has determined common goals and objectives for areas of land use such as housing, air quality, transportation development, recreational facilities, natural and scenic resource conservation, farmland preservation and economic development. This plan is the result of two years of monthly steering committee meetings, a communitywide survey, public outreach and input.

The River Central area includes Catasauqua, North Catasauqua and Northampton boroughs and Hanover, Lehigh County, and East Allen townships.

The Catasauqua Borough members of the steering committee include Brian Bartholomew, council president; Howard Cunningham, council vice president; and Ryan Carson, planning commission member.

Assad was present to answer questions regarding this plan. Council members will be voting on whether they are participating in this plan at the next meeting, scheduled for Sept. 18.

Councilman Gene Schlegel, recreation committee chair, said the insurance check for the merry-go-round that was destroyed back in October has arrived. The recreation committee reportedly received $700 more than expected. Schlegel said the Friends of Catasauqua Park also received a donation of $1,000 to help with the expenses for this merry-go-round.

Mayor Barbara Schlegel announced trick-or-treat night in Catasauqua will be 6-7:30 p.m. Oct. 28. She added the Halloween parade is set for Oct. 18.

The mayor also reported there will be a flea market to support the K-9 unit Sept. 16 at Fireman’s Field.

Eckhart said the council building has had a major issue with air conditioning and regulating the temperature inside the building. Reportedly, $17,000 has been spent on air conditioning and heating, and the issue is still not resolved.

Bartholomew suggested pursuing the contractor for this issue, as it is a continued expense.

Borough Engineer Vanessa Nedrick reported she is working with Pennsylvania Department of Transportation on the multimodal grant for the purpose of sprucing up Front Street. The goal is to attract developers who may be interested in the Iron Works site.