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Salisbury Elementary School students are ready for the first day of school

Press Photos by Rebecca Foehrkolb Students in Salisbury School District Schools started the 2023-2024 academic year Aug. 29. RIGHT: The first student waiting at the door of Salisbury Elementary School is fourth grader Geo Lopez.
Students line up waiting for the door to open at Salisbury Elementary School on the first day of school, Aug. 29.
Second in line at the door is Kenneth De La Cruz, a first grader, with his parents Antonio De La Cruz and Walquiria Bueno.
SES student Maurylisse Gil with Luis and Franchesca Duran are ready for the first day to start.
All staff members wear the new school T-shirt so students can easily identify them if they need help throughout the day. Pictured, from left, are: Reading Specialist Heather Cumello, Building Sub Kaitlyn Bird, Learning Support Teacher Katie Kern, Speech and Language Therapist Ashley Merkel, and Instructional Assistant MaryAnn Kelley.
Lillian Cline and Abigail Palinkas enjoy their first lunch of the new school year.