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School board OKs job descriptions, staffing changes

Whitehall-Coplay School Board members met July 24 for the first meeting of the 2023-24 school year. The board approved several issues that needed to be resolved before school officially opens at the end of August.

The board approved job descriptions for computer technician help-desk support as well as for the position of food service manager. The security employees compensation plan was also approved.

The criteria for each position had been discussed at previous committee meetings and was finalized at the last committee meeting, making it eligible for a vote by all directors.

Several personnel action items were also approved by the board. This was primarily the filling of positions that were vacated due to retirements, transfers or resignations. Whitehall-Coplay School District Director of Personnel Angela Friebolin made available to the board administration recommendations to fill these positions and for approval to make the necessary appointments.

Robert Hartman, athletic director, submitted the 2023-24 coach compensation budget to the board, and it was approved.

The board approved the 2024 graduation ceremony, which will be June 3 at PPL Center, Allentown.

The board also approved assorted field trips scheduled for the beginning of the school year.

The next special meeting will be 4 p.m. Aug. 14, followed by the committee meetings.