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Christ’s Church at Lowhill Wild Life

Christ's Church at Lowhill, New Tripoli, had a great week July 18-21 with its Wild Life themed Vacation Bible School. Kathryn Gress, of The Gress Mountain Ranch, visits with children at the petting zoo the ranch provided on the first night of VBS.
PRESS PHOTOS COURTESY CHRIST'S CHURCH AT LOWHILL Pastor Chris Cocca and Sarah Barone, director of Children, Youth and Family Ministries, are shown with all the children attending the final night. There were 25 children throughout the week.
Margie Dunn is with the older group of children after their Bible lesson. Taking part are Harper, Skylar, Olivia, Christian, Senna, Gianna, Brielle, (back) Miles, Addy, Clara and Aubrey.
Addy and Clara (back) with Christian, Parker, Brooks, Jack, Dax, Emberly and Amy Cocca perform during the closing night presentation for family and friends.
Senna and Olivia snap a picture during the closing night ice cream party.