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Board OK’s safe streets plan, letter


Special to The Press

Upper Macungie supervisors’ June 1 meeting began with a presentation by Peter Simone of Simone-Collins Landscape Architecture, Norristown, on the Vision Zero Action Plan.

Simone said initially the Vision Zero Action Plan was called the Trail Walkability Plan.

The reason for the change is that in 2021 there was federal funding for community budgets for promoting safe streets.

“We hope we can help the township take advantage of that funding in the next several months,” Simone said.

He noted providing safe streets includes items and improvements such as crosswalks and flashing beacons and requirements for the plan.

To qualify for federal funding, the township created “complete streets,” a term used in planning, designing and building streets that allow safe access for all types of transportation modes and for all users, regardless of age and ability.

He said the plan will cost about $60 million, but the cost will decrease with grants and some work can be done by public works.

A reasonable implementation of this program is approximately 15 years.

The Vision Zero Action Plan and a Vision Zero support letter were unanimously approved by the board.

In other matters, the board authorized the purchase of a 2025 Mack Truck at a total cost of $255,062.35.

The purchase is on schedule for maintenance, transfer and changing vehicles.

This price will hold until the truck is purchased.

Recreation Manager Mike Kukitz said the township presented its first free community concert in Grange Park.

He said the Chamber of Commerce helped find a business to serve residents at the concert and Rising River Brewing was willing to do it.

He was requesting a special event permit for the Concert in the Park. They will be able to serve alcohol.

In addition, there was a motion to authorize the purchase of a K-9 for the police department.

Last year, K-9 Bico, who was partnered with partner of Sgt. Matthew Gardner, suffered an injury that mandated his retirement.

K-9 Bico subsequently died in November 2022.

There is money from the American Rescue Fund, fundraising and grant opportunities.

The board authorize the purchase at a cost not to exceed $16,500.