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Troop 93 celebrates 80th anniversary

On Feb. 28, 1943, Boy Scout Troop 93 was first chartered at St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, 105 E. 19th St., Northampton. This year, it is celebrating its 80th anniversary.

The troop is inviting any Scout, leader, adult and alumni to celebrate the anniversary Sept. 17. All are invited to share memories, enjoy food and remember being a part of Troop 93.

It is reportedly one of the most active troops in the area. Every month, the troop goes out and does something fun, such as hikes, camp-outs and more. Twice a year, they host a spaghetti dinner, help out at the Museum of Indian Culture and other community projects.

From the year 2000, the troop has had some tremendous changes. It was at the brink of folding, but a couple of Scouts and leaders came together and helped the troop grow. Currently, it has more than 20 Scouts and continues to grow.

Throughout the years, the troop has had five Scoutmasters - James Kern, Leroy Koehler, Alvin Lynn, Richard Bealer and Steve Bindics, the current Scoutmaster.

Email troop93anniversary80@gmail.com to RSVP to the event or if you have any questions.