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LETTER TO THE EDITOR Jerdon best candidate on May 16, says letter writer

To the Editor:

Ron Jerdon and I have been friends for nearly two decades.

Ron and my late father, Tim Reppert Sr., were good friends.

Ron and his wife, Lorraine, and my family have attended church together for the last 11 years.

I have observed Ron over many years and through many different circumstances.

Ron’s ethics standards and enthusiastic leadership have always been steadfast.

He has always maintained a high degree of professionalism in my experience.

For this reason, I have always admired and respected Ron.

Ron has made tremendous contributions to our community, both in terms of wise leadership and resources.

Clearly, Ron is the greatest candidate for the office of Lynn Township supervisor.

Ron will undoubtedly be dependable, trustworthy and serve our community well.

Alicia Ruddell

New Tripoli