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Letter to the Editor: ‘Consider the children when voting’

To the Editor:

My wife, Francee Fuller, invested over 15 years of her life on the East Penn School Board. Our sons were the fifth generation of family to graduate from East Penn. They received a great education that placed them on the road to success in life.

Five people are threatening the quality of that education. They are the Republican slate attempting to control the school board and follow the path of the other failed Republicans lemmings who want to ban books, revise portions of history and compromise the success that East Penn has enjoyed.

My company, The Media People, has served this community for over 48 years. We provided communications workshops from elementary school through high school and assisted many nonprofits with pro bono services. This was because we feel it is important to give back to the community. A community with a strong education commitment makes for a successful future for all of us.

As a former Mayor and Lehigh County Commissioner, I was a Republican. But, I abandoned that party when their current mentality was adopted. Today’s party has no values and doesn’t understand that honesty is important. They prefer to challenge democracy with violence, when necessary, and feel they should also control our lives with their mandates. They need to understand we do not want or need their ideas when it comes to our children and their future.

Certainly, it is important to make the best use of resources, but these people have not explained what their plans are for the district. They prefer for you to be surprised as we have seen with other Republican initiatives throughout the nation.

Please consider the future of our children when voting in this election.

Scott Stoneback
