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Coplay considers CFC building for police station

Councilman Rick Kern initiated a discussion during the May 2 Coplay Borough Council meeting about a feasibility study to determine if the former Commitment to Family and Community building on Cherry Street could serve as a new, updated police station in the future.

Police Chief Ryan Emerich had written a letter to council in April explaining the current station needed a great deal of updating.

Councilman Charles Sodl said an assessment needs to be done to see if the CFC building has enough space to install all the necessary equipment and upgrades. Public works Director Paul Boyle is going to start the process for conducting the feasibility study by contacting the parties needed.

This study will help determine if a move to the Cherry Street building would be possible and favorable in the future.

Regarding another police department topic, Emerich explained to council the benefits of switching the department’s cellphone carrier from Verizon Wireless to First Net. In addition to better service and more security, First Net’s monthly fees would be approximately $40 less than the current cellphone fees, Emerich reported.

Also, First Net has portable cell towers, which could provide service if there are unforeseen circumstances or emergencies.

This item will be up for a vote at the borough’s next regular meeting.

Councilman Mark Molitoris, chair of the parks and recreation committee, and Councilwoman Janet Eisenhauer, chair of the Coplay Public Library board, said the Fifth Street tot lot dedication event is scheduled for 11 a.m.-1 p.m. May 6. This event is called A Celebration of Youth, where children can enjoy the new and improved tot lot, as well a drum circle, parade, crafts and an open house at the library.

Molitoris also indicated the borough pool is slated to open June 17. However, lifeguards are still needed, along with a pool manager.

Eisenhauer said the library was awarded the Trexler Grant. It will receive $15,000 to help fund regular operations.

In other library news, Vince’s Steaks food truck will be in the pool parking lot 3-7 p.m. May 9. The library will be the beneficiary of part of the proceeds.

Kern, who leads the grant committee, explained Whitehall Township would like to establish a joint venture with Coplay to apply for a Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program grant to help fund the repaving of the entire Ironton Rail Trail.

The borough would have to commit to match 15% of the total cost for the Coplay part of the trail. This equates to approximately $3,200. Council will vote on approval of this commitment at the regular May meeting.

Kern indicated the possibility of applying for another Greenways grant for the borough alone to help fund pool pumps for next year.

The next regular council meeting will be held 7 p.m. May 9 at borough hall, 98 S. Fourth St.