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Nappa aims to join borough leadership

Democrat Robert Nappa, a local teacher with almost a decade of experience, has announced their candidacy for borough council in Catasauqua.

As an educator, Nappa has dedicated their career to improving the lives of young people in the community. They believe the same passion and commitment they bring to the classroom can be applied to the role of borough council to make a positive impact on the community.

Nappa is no stranger to budget constraints and understands the need for responsible fiscal management. They are committed to working with other council members to fight for lower taxes and remain transparent to taxpayers.

In addition, road safety and infrastructure improvements will be prioritized, such as adding more crosswalks and signage, to ensure pedestrians and cyclists can travel safely. Nappa also plans to work with law enforcement to implement traffic calming measures to reduce speeding on local roads.

Nappa is dedicated to promoting business development in the community. They believe fostering a business-friendly environment will lead to economic growth and job opportunities for local residents.

By creating a community focused on safety and financial security, Catasauqua can attract more residents and business owners to help Catasauqua grow.

For more information about Nappa and his campaign, you can visit nappaforcouncil.com or speak to him directly at nappaforcouncil@gmail.com.