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ST. JOE’S Rentler to perform April 25

St. Joseph the Worker Church Parish Center, 1879 Applewood Drive, Orefield, to host Dr. Russ Rentler, composer, singer, and musician at 2 p.m. April 25.

Rentler, who composes his own songs incorporating aspects of his life and won awards for his efforts plays mandolin, dulcimer, banjo, autoharp and fiddle.

Popular to this area, he plays folk, blues and Celtic music at local coffee houses, schools, senior centers, etc.

He has requested the entry fee for his performance be food contributions to the Parkland CARES Food Pantry.

This program to celebrate the start of senior month in May.

Light refreshments will be served.

To reserve a seat, call Susanne Preisler at 610-841-2178.