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Scout proposes Gaga pit for Ontelaunee Park


Special to The Press

A Boy Scout project took center stage at the Lynn Township supervisors’ April 13 meeting.

Ed Sawyer, who oversees Ontelaunee Park for the township, invited Benjamin Surman, from Troop 89, to speak on his Eagle Scout Gaga pit project.

“It’s like a ground-based dodgeball-type game within a hexagon or octagon wooden pit,” Surman said. “It will take about two to three weekends to build, depending on weather and when my final plan is completely finished.

“It will take about eight to 10 people and I’m planning on asking family and friends, and other Eagle Scouts who I’ve helped before.”

Surman spoke at length about the materials, such as lumber and concrete.

Making the point he would help teach some of his helpers how to use different tools, Surman assured supervisors safety would come first.

Power tools would only be used by adults, and first-aid kits would be on hand.

The Scout is working on fundraising and would like to start building the project at the end of May or early June.

Supervisors approved a motion for the project, pending final approval from the road crew or engineer for exact location and structure.

In other matters, Chairman Justin Smith discussed the Northern Lehigh Multi-Municipal Plan, which had led to a heated discussion at the last meeting.

Smith said he carefully read the document, consulting with others on questions he had.

He looked at the 2005 plan as well, for a further understanding of what is at hand.

Smith still has concerns about the plan, making the point one section refers to another section and so forth, leaving him unclear of what this is all about.

“I asked two supervisors from other townships, and they didn’t known,” Smith said.

A lengthy discussion about available options, including conferring with other municipalities and neighboring townships, took place between the supervisors.

Smith made it clear he still has concerns and is not sold on this plan.

Included in announcements were the 16th annual Pow-Wow from May 18-21 and the NWL Educational Foundation 5K Run at 9 a.m. May 27, both at Ontelaunee Park.

Boy Scout Benjamin Surman, from Troop 89, discussed his Eagle Scout Gaga pit project at the Lynn supervisors April 13 meeting. PRESS PHOTO BY MARIEKE ANDRONACHE