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Fersommeling un Fescht held March 27

Grundsow Lodsch #13 held its 59th annual Fersommeling un Fescht, translated as Gathering and Banquet, at the East Greenville Fire Company recently. The group was organized in 1963 to promote and preserve Pennsylvania German dialect and culture. LEFT: Two mounted grundsow are escorted to the head table to open the annual festivities in a procession led by Don Ritter, ringing the bell and John Fegley and Ron Keiser each carrying a grundsow or groundhog. Additional photos appear on Page A2. Press Photo by C. Richard Chartrand
Bruce Rohrbach's Happy Dutchmen perform at Grundsow Lodsch #13's 59th annual Fersommeling un Fescht at the East Green Fire Company March 27.
The grundsow and ceremonial bell are front and center at the head table.
Bill Meck, haaptmaan or president, of Grundsow Lodge #1 addresses the audience. He was the featured speaker at the annual event.
Nine new members are recognized. Each new member receives a cap displaying a Grundsow Lodge #13 logo.