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School board members hear about upcoming district events

Whitehall-Coplay School Board met March 27. The eight directors present met for an executive session before the regular meeting to discuss personnel matters and legal matters.

The Student Council representative announced Whitehall High School students would hold its mini-THON April 21. This is a smaller version of the Penn State University THON, which raises money for pediatric cancer.

Also, the regional student council association will be meeting in April and several WHS Student Council members will be there.

Family Night will be 5:30-7:30 p.m. April 19, and this is a great opportunity for students and their families to see what Whitehall-Coplay School District has to offer. It will be held at WHS.

Whitehall-Coplay School District Superintendent Dr. Robert Steckel spoke of attending the recent What’s So Cool About Manufacturing competition at SteelStacks for middle school students. Although WCSD students did not place, they did have a great time seeing the presentations.

Steckel also reminded everyone about the Big Brothers and Big Sisters fundraising bowlathon event April 19. Teachers and students will be participating.

School board Treasurer George Williams gave the treasurer’s report. A motion passed to pay all bills and salaries from the general, cafeteria and capitol funds.

It was also agreed the rate of $15.60 per hour be paid for the bus aide position, per the collective bargaining agreement.

Job descriptions and the 2022-23 WCSD calendar have been updated, and the minutes for the Feb. 27 meeting and all committee meetings March 13 were approved as presented.

The next committee meetings will be 4 p.m. April 11, and the regular meeting will be 7 p.m. April 24, in the high school LGI room.