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District gets donation, new HR head

“Rounding-up” at the grocery store pays off for BASD students. At Monday’s regular school board meeting Giant Foods presented Business Manager Frank Pearn a check for $17,000 – a year’s worth of rounding-up grocery receipts at all Giant Food stores in the district. Giant’s “feed school kids round-up program” has donated $86,000 over the last three years. The money goes to covering costs associated with food programs within the school district.

BASD Superintendent Dr. Joseph Roy was pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. John T. Burrus as the district’s chief human resources officer. Burrus will be taking over for Russell Giordano, who will be retiring at the end of the school year.

Burrus comes to BASD with a wealth of knowledge and experience. He is currently the CHRO for Easton Area School District, and previously the Pleasant Valley School Disrict. Burrus’ career has spanned several different educational roles, including principal, assistant principal and as a middle school science teacher.

Other regular business included approval of prior meeting minutes, finance items, recommendations of the administration, and human resource matters. Student HS representatives and committee representatives provided public updates.

Roy retiring

After 13 years as BASD’s superintendent of schools, Dr, Joseph Roy has announced his plan to retire in July of this year.

“I have been fortunate to have the support of amazing school board members who value public education and do what’s best for students and the community,” Roy said in his announcement last week. “I am honored to have worked with the finest group of teachers, staff and administrators in any district, anywhere.

“The entire Bethlehem community values its public schools and I am proud to have played a role in this district for the past 13 school years,” he said.

The next BASD committee meetings will be April 3 and 17 and the April regular meeting will be held April 24.

Press photo by Jenn Rago BASD Business Manager Frank Pearn, BASD Board President Michael Faccinetto, and the managers from Bethlehem area Giant stores exclange a check for $17,000 that Giant collected from the “Feed school kids round-up program.” The check was given to the BASD to help cover food expenses within the schools.